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Founded 2001

Boulder Atheists
Moral - Ethical - Logical
The mission of Boulder Atheists is to promote the understanding and acceptance of atheism through education, good deeds, and secular activities. We also support the separation of church and state.
We provide presentations and serve as a social community for atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, freethinkers, and those questioning religion in Boulder County and beyond.
Boulder Atheists is a registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation
Tax-Exempt ID number 04-3734916

Have you been thinking...
I don't believe in supernatural entities or powers
I am concerned about religious intolerance and religiously motivated violence
I rely on human reasoning and science to guide my decisions and behavior
I have a naturalistic view of the world
I don't believe in God or gods

You are
not alone!

Boulder Atheists
A Social Community For
free thinkers
secular humanists

our motto
No gods, no devils, no heaven, no hell, just the wonderful universe around us
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