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  • sherylkallivrousis

Modifying CPAPs / BiPAPs / APAPs for use as Ventilators

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

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Apr 30, 2020

Some good points, Patrick and I too tend to be a fan of Elon Musk (who does not use Zoom) is likely addressing the NIV / Non Invasive ventilation objectives of no in-tubation knocked out under several sedatives. CPAPs and BiPAPS / APAPS? as mostly designed to sleep apnea applications address some of that objective. I have seen a tinkered with a friend's CPAP / APAP (more like a demand regulator in aircraft) but have never seen a BiPAP. The big obstacle for both is not only a metered exhalation funcion, but a means to discard the virus infested air/ Ox / CO2 from that exhalation that infected the first batch of senior patients in those Washington State Nursing homes…


Linda Rosa
Apr 30, 2020

I didn't see a link for this story, if there is one. Positive pressure is just one of the elements that physicians are using with Covid patients (by various means). Things such as supplemental oxygen, "pulmonary hygiene," etc., would also be necessary if you're trying this at home. How much positive pressure is tricky because affected alveoli are especially delicate, and too much pressure can cause permanent scaring of the lungs and lost of lung capacity which can result in chronic shortness of breath (SOB) and/or the need for oxygen tx. Even with out mechanical support of any kind, some survivors have to coop with fibrotic lungs. The sudden appearance of SOB with Covid should also ra…


Patrick L
Patrick L
Apr 30, 2020

My understanding is patients should avoid invasive ventilators at all costs. A day on a full ventilator is a week of physical therapy after. Plus the survival rate after full intubation is often less than 20%. Elon Musk is one of the few people who responded quickly to the cries of the medical community and most of the ventilators Tesla provided were these Cpap an Bipap machines. These were requested by individual hospital wards according to their exact specifications - so they must be the machines many doctors prefer.


Apr 22, 2020

I had this idea about a month ago and Lou and I have discussed this for weeks -- and now we find out that the British NHS and and a lot of other people have been spying on us (Zoom? :) ) and stolen our ideas -- some it seems -- almost two or more years ago (for an Open Source standard).

Still as we're learning more about what kills you or wrecks your health with CoVid19 / SARS-Co-2 it still seems mostly to be ARDS -- infecting lungs and cutting off oxygen to the blood and also why I highly recommend checking your daily trend with an oximeter to see any new deviation -- likely after fever -- and…

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